7 Reasons Why Ransomware Creators Target Businesses and what you can do about it

15 May 2017

Described as "unprecedented in scale" and referred to as a "wake-up call" for governments and companies by Microsoft, last Friday's cyber-attack has affected more than 200,000 victims in 150 countries.

Here is why Ransomware creators target businesses:

  • That’s where the money is
  • Attackers know that ransomware can cause major business disruptions, which will increase their chances of getting paid;
  • Computer systems in companies are often complex and prone to vulnerabilities that can be exploited through technical means;
  • The human factor is still a huge liability which can also be exploited, but through social engineering tactics;
  • Ransomware can affect not only computers, but also servers and cloud-based file-sharing systems, going deep into a business’s core;
  • Cyber criminals know that business would rather not report ransomware attacks for fears of legal or reputation-related consequences;
  • Small businesses are often unprepared to deal with advanced cyber-attacks (which ransomware is) and have a lax BYOD (bring your own device) policy.


Source - MyZOL Staff Writer