Imagine a room that could wirelessly charge any device

23 February 2017

The urge to charge your phone, laptop or any other device for that matter has become like a need. There’s nothing as irritating as walking around with a flat battery looking to find a charging port or even worse, waiting for your battery to be fully charged before moving on to the next task or just listening to your favourite song.

Despair not because Disney Research has just the right innovation. Although this is still an experiment, it could save people a lot of time. Disney Researcher, according to, found a method called quasistatic cavity resonance that turns an entire room into a wireless electrical power as Wifi. This method charges a device without a need to connect with a cord.

A room framed with framed with aluminum supports and sheathed in aluminum walls. At the center of the room, they erected a copper pole containing 15 capacitors, devices used to store an electric charge.

For purposing of testing this innovation, a generator was placed outside and amplifier that produced a radio frequency signal and connected it by wire to a device called a drive coil placed inside the room.

Speaking on the creation associate research scientist Mark Chabalko says, “One of the remarkable things about this room is that with the appropriate receiver design, we can power many devices simultaneously”.

For full results on the experiment click HERE

Source - IT News Africa